Put and Take

No of Players

2 - 9

Cards to be dealt

5 to each player, an extra hand for the dealer


As agreed - suggested stake as the cards are revealed -

1 coin for the first card

2 coins for the second card

2 coins for the third card

3 coins for the fourth card

3 coins for the fifth card

(Alternative - 1, 2 ,3, 4, 5 coins)


To win money from the Banker


Cut for Banker (dealer), this changes each round in a clockwise rotation. All hands, with the exception of the banker's two hands, are placed face up on the table before play commences. The player to the left of the banker nominates one of the banker's concealed hands to be played first.


PUT - The top card of the nominated hand is turned over and any player possessing a card (or cards) of the same denomination will play a coin or coins into the kitty.

The Banker then reveals the second card and the same procedure takes place with the exception that 2 coins are paid into the kitty for each card held of the same denomination. This process is repeated according to the above scale of payment until all 5 cards have been played.


TAKE - The banker then commences to play the extra hand by the same method with the difference that players with matching cards "take" from the kitty in accordance with the scale above. The banker either takes the profit or makes up the shortfall when all the cards have been played.




Card Index


Card Tricks